New Tricks For Personal Learning

How To Become A Continuous Learner And Achiever

Item Title / Description

Decide What To Learn

Once the realisation of the need for continuous learning has sunk in, the personal learning journey can begin in earnest. The next step is to decide what to learn.

Make Time For Personal Learning

Failing to make time for personal learning is like planning to fail. Make learning a priority by making a regular time commitment for it so that it becomes a routine habit.

Hide Away / Change The Scenery

Find a place to learn that suits you - even if it means hiding away from your colleagues!

Avoid Distractions And Occasional Interruptions

Discover the secret weapon enabling you to hide in plain sight to avoid distractions and occasional interruptions to maximise your learning time and productivity.

Create A Personal Development Plan

Having a personal development plan will help you plan and progress your personal learning journey helping you to turn good intentions into achievements.

Learn To Manage Your Time Well

Learning to manage your time well will have a massive impact on your ability to learn, to do the day job and to still have time for your life outside of work. It’s a life skill worth investing heavily in - it's a game changer!

Find Ways Of Learning That Work For You

Identifying your preferences for learning can make a huge difference to the effectiveness with which you learn. It is therefore important to take time to identify the ways of learning that work best for you.

Join A Community

Exploit the benefits of joining a community to broaden your horizons and learn from others.

Join A Mailing List

Exploit the benefits of joining a mailing list to have useful information delivered directly to you rather than go looking for it yourself.

Stop Procrastinating

Whatever your reason, stop procrastinating and start getting things done!


The list of new tricks and tips for personal learning will be updated periodically. Follow @DilemmaLearning on Twitter to be notified of updates.