#01 Technical Skills Are Strategic
Every Company Is Now A "Tech Company"
Today, almost every organisation uses technology to drive its business. Technical skills are now recognised as strategic in value and key to future success. What differentiates companies is their business agility based on their ability to learn and embrace new skills in order to innovate.
Skills Half-Life
Many skills are short-lived or highly volatile with an estimated half-life of two years. This means that employees will no sooner have learned and mastered a skill then they will be forced to learn a new one or update their knowledge.
The Growing Digital Skills Gap
In the past it was far easier to hire in new talent to plug organisational skills gaps but the rate of change has led to a digital skills shortage forcing organisations to invest and grow their own talent. Internal talent growth requires continued commitment to learning over a long period of time and many organisations are finding themselves with a skills deficit.
Skills Projects
Skills projects are projects in their own right and therefore deserve to be treated as such. Without a a clear strategy and review milestones, Skills Projects are unlikely to deliver. You can't rely on the mentality that "if we announce it, it will happen". Instead you must plan and manage the journey and course correct from time to time as necessary. This must happen at all levels within the organisation.
No Replacement For Lack Of Strategy
It is essential for an organisation to determine and communicate it's strategy if skills acquisition is to be linked to and driven by business goals. This is true regardless of how long term the strategy is. It must also be possible to measure progress and achievements along the way if course corrections are to be identified and made en route.
Having a strategy is a great way of gaining buy-in from your staff to accommodate the changes necessary to eventually arrive at your chosen destination. Discussing progress along the journey will help to maintain momentum before the opportunity finally arises to celebrate success.
Tim Simpson